PT Aura爱自然


Jl Raya Gedong Songo no1,Ds Ngipik, 印度尼西亚

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Semarang, Indonesia, 印度尼西亚








5-10 employees

Business Types



Main Products




Welcome to Aura Love Nature as the best innovative creations in the field of fruit especially avocado, vegetable especially cabbage, cut flowers and beautiful ornamental plants in Indonesia.

Aura Love Nature is located in a community environment here the majority of people in fact have a livelihood as farmers of fruits especially avocado, vegetables especially cabbage, ornamental plants and cut flowers. The area that was awarded the best national chrysanthemum production in Indonesia in 2019 by president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , at Gedong Songo, Bandungan, Central Java Province, Indonesia.

Starting from our passion to contribute for advancing the local community’s economy, Aura Love Nature started to do the export of fruits especially avocado, vegetables especially cabbage, ornamental plants, and cut flowers from the farmers. We collaborate with all farmers in our area to guarantee product stock.

            Talking about avocado, we provide two types of avocado, namely pluwang avocado and wina avocado. Pluwang avocado is a hybrid of the Indonesian avocado, while the wina avocado is a type of local avocado that was first cultivated by a farmer group in Jetis Village, Semarang Regency. The characteristics of pluwang avocado as the first type are :

1. Pluwang avocado is a type of butter avocado which is famous for its large fruit size. The average weight of one fruit reaches a weight of 0.8 – 1.7 kg/fruit. Occasionally avocado have a weigh up to 2 kg per fruit.

2. Pluwang avocado has a shape similar to a guitar body where the bottom is large and slightly rounded, while at the base it is slightly smaller and slightly oval.

3. The jumbo size of the pluwang avocado is also supported by thick flesh, the color is yellow like butter. The texture of the flesh of the fruit is denser, but very soft and fluffier when eaten. Pluwang avocado flesh is drier with low oil content. In addition, Pluwang avocado also has seeds that are relatively small.

4. Great taste enjoyment. This avocado is a type of butter avocado which has a sweeter and more savory taste when compared to other types of local avocados.

5. The skin of this pluwang avocado is easy to remove.

6. . Pluwang Avocado can be ripen 7 days after picking.                             

While the characteristics of the wina avocado as the second tyype are:

1. Wina avocado is jumbo and famous in Indonesia. The weight of one Wina avocado can reach 1.3 kilograms to 1.8 kilograms. Sometimes we ca find Wina Avocado which weiht is up to 2 kg per fruit. Wina avocado fruit is slightly rounded like a ball. The skin is shiny green and thick, so it lasts longer when stored.

2. Wina avocado flesh is yellow like a butter.Wina avocado has fluffier and thick flesh. Wina avocado has a soft, savory, delicious taste with a little sweet taste.

3. Wina avocado has a relatively long durability, it make safe in shipping. Wina avocado can be harvested and can be ripen 15 days after picking.

4. The productivity of this plant is very high.

Besides fruit especially avocado, we also provide vegetable especially cabbage. The production of cabbage in Central Java area is 217.333 ton per year. The harvested area in Semarang especially in Getasan area in Bandungan area is about 2.343 ton per year.

The beauty of Indonesia is not only because of good fruit and vegetable production. Indonesia is also famous about various of plants. The beauty of Indonesian Ornamental Plants has been admired by many countries. Located in the tropical climate zone, Indonesia is home to various ornamental plants from flowers, ferns to trees. Some of these ornamental plants are natives to Indonesia while others are from other countries and climate zones but grow well in Indonesia. International standards have been iplememted by farmers across Indonesia to increase the export of Indonesian Ornamental Plants.

The completeness of Colourful Ornamental Plants have various species such as chrysanthemums, gerberas, tasty evening ( Polyanthes Tuberose ) and so on. Chrysantemum is well known in the world. Chrysanthemums grown in open fields with many colours such as white, yellow, red, orange, purple, and so on.

Total harvested area of cut flower and ornamental plant in Indonesia is 32.573.318 m2 with 869.526.174 stalks of cut flower. One of provinces in Indonesia is Jawa Tengah. The harvested area is 15.336.896 m2. Especially in Semarang area as part of satery, major cut flowers produced are chrysantemum and tasty evening. The production of chrysantemum is 29.664.500 stalks per year, tasty evening ( polyanthes tuberose ) is 12.770.000 stalks per year, adn 11.220.000 for ornamental plants ( Caladium, Singonium, Aglonema, Calathea, Philodendron, and so on).

Aura Love Nature hopes that export activities will help farmers to be more able to grow and to develop their businesse and improve their economy. We and the farmer groups are committed to provide the best quality products for customer satisfaction. So no need to be hesitate to order from us.

Company Introduction



Semarang, Indonesia, 印度尼西亚

Year Established

Year Established


Annual Revenue

Annual Revenue

Total Employees

Total Employees

5-10 employees

Business Types

Business Type


Main Products

Main Products





PT Aura爱自然
Jl Raya Gedong Songo no1,Ds Ngipik





